All students in the college are expected to observe a dignified behaviour and maintain decency and decorum. They should always remember that the dignity and good name of the college depends upon their dignified and decent behavior inside and outside the college. They are expected to observe:

· That their progress in studies is satisfactory.

· That they adopt the habit to see the notice board and college website regularly.

· That they should be sincere of their attendance. They should know that if their attendance falls below 75%, they will not be allowed to appear in the University Examination.

· The college is not bound to give notice to those students whose attendance falls below the minimum required. The decision of the Principal shall be final in this matter.

· That they do not indulge in any controversy of political nature or in any strike causing loss of their valuable time and studies.

· That every students shall keep his identity card always with him, duly signed by The Chief proctor/Additional Chief Proctor.

· That they behave in a disciplined and dignified manner at public meeting and places.

· That they behave very decently towards girl students.

· That they are not absent from any test or examination.

· That they are respectful and obedient to all the members of the college staff and set an example of noble behavior.

· That they follow and obey all notifications and instructions issued by the Principal, Head of the Department and other members of the staff.

· That they are expected to keep their guardians informed about their progress in studies.

The guardians are also required to remain aware of the activities of their ward.

· That they are regular in their studies and appear in the periodical tests if any prescribed by the University and qualify in them.

· That the students selected in N.C.C. and N.S.S. remain in complete discipline and they should strictly follow the instruction given by their In-Charge. They should attend all training programmes and camps and must not remain absent without the prior permission of the Principal/Programme officer.

· During their vacant periods, students are advised to visit library for reading books.

· Girl students in their vacant time should sit in Girl’s common room or visit to the Library. Moving here and there in the college premises and standing roadside is strictly prohibited and punishable.

· All students have to keep their cycle/motor cycle/scooty at the declared stand only. Vehicle parking here and there in the campus is a punishable offence.

Disciplinary action may be taken on following grounds:

· Talking loudly while passing through the verandah or galleries when classes are going on.

· Standing near or in front of the classroom or peeping-in through the windows.

· Calling loudly their friends or shouting or roaming about with bicycle in the college.

· Doing any damages to flowers, buds and vegetable garden.

· Damaging electric bulbs and other fittings.

· Any damage or defacement to the college fitting or property.

· Writing anything or otherwise disfiguring the wall, doors and windows of the college.

· Writing any objectionable thing on the blackboard in the classrooms.

· Using unfair means in the University Examination.

· Smoking and chewing of Pan Masala, or Gutkha.

· Unwanted/misuse of mobile phones in the college premises.

· Ragging of any kind is strictly prohibited by the order of the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India. Those found guilty of involvement in any kind of ragging, will be strictly dealt with and F.I.R. will be lodged in the police station against such students.

The students are expected to note that

· their behavior towards teachers should be full of respect, courtesy and politeness.

· they should not do anything that may interfere with the discipline of the college. Any attempt to create disturbance will be severely dealt with.

· they are required to get their Identity Cards signed by the Chief proctor/Additional Chief Proctor of the college within 10 days of their admission. Those, who fail to produce their duly signed identity cards at the time of checking, shall be fined.

· fees once deposited will not be refunded.

· they should collect the receipt of any fees/money given to any authority of the college.

· the students must attend all lectures arranged for them.

· they should regularly check for online video links on the college website for extra knowledge.

· the railway concession forms shall be given to those who are outside and wish to go to meet their parents during long vacations.

· students have to attend classes regularly. In case any student remains absent for 15 days continuously, his admission will be cancelled by the principal for which the students concerned would be responsible.

· if they do not observe the above rules of proper conduct & discipline, the Principal of the college can punish them under regulations of Dr. B. R. A. University, Agra.

Note: The Principal and all the other members of the staff will be most willing to hear to the difficulties of the students and their parents and will do their best to solve them.

· they should regularly check the college website for important information and notifications. The college will not be responsible if they miss some important information on the website notice board.

Other important things to note:

· Candidates and their parents must note that for any issue related to examinations and result declaration and discrepancies in the mark-sheets, etc., only the University is responsible. The college does not have any role in this matter.

· The prospectus provides general information and is subject to the provisions of the acts, Statutes, Ordinances, Regulations and relevant resolutions of the Academic Council of Dr. B. R. A. University, Agra and Kishori Raman (P.G.) college administration. University rules and regulation may change time to time.

· College reserves the right to make and change / modification in the provisions made in the prospectus. The candidate shall not be informed of any such change(s) individually.

· Candidates are required to read the prospectus carefully before filling in the application form. They should apply only after complete satisfaction. In case of any doubt/questions, the candidate can meet the Head of the concerned Department or Principal.

· Standing here and there in the college campus especially at the cycle stand is strictly prohibited. Strict disciplinary action shall be taken in this regard.

· During written examinations, students are informed not to possess mobiles and electronic devices, wallets and other papers except admit card. They are also advised not to come to college in shoes (during exams only) and should wear simple sleepers.

Student Code of conduct