The college offers following graduate and post graduate courses
Graduate courses
Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
To provide greater flexibility to our students (as per the intention of NEP), the college offers B.A. Course with following subject combinations. Student has to selectany one group.

First Semester - No. of seats = 640
First Semester - No. of seats = 400

Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com.)
First Semester - No. of seats = 400

As per New Education Policy, a candidate for bachelor course (first semesters) has to study following subjects. Each subject will have only one paper of 100 marks. Papers have theory of 75 marks and internal assessment of 25 marks.
Post - Graduate courses
Post graduate courses comprises of semester VII, VIII, IX and X. It, therefore start from seventh semester. Each student seeking admission in a post graduate course will have to take admission in VII semester.
Students who have completed VI semester, may continue their VII and VIII semester and can leave the course with 'Bachelor's degree with research'. Those students who want Master's degree, will have to complete and pass XI and X semester also. (For details, see NEP structure).
In seventh semester, each student will have only one major subject, one minor subject and one research project.
Each major subject at post graduate level, will have four theory papers (100 marks each). Some subjects, additionally will have practical paper (100 marks) also.
Minor subjects will have only one paper. Minor subject will be different from major subject and both these subjects should be from different faculties. The syllabus of minor paper has been designed simple and introductory by the University, keeping its minor nature in consideration.
There will be no vocational paper at the post-graduation level.
Master of Arts (M.A.)

Seventh Semester
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